About Ekosol Farming Co.

EkosolFarm Solucan Gübresi Ekosol Tarim Fabrika

Ekosol Tarım started its first studies on worm compost production with Eisenia Foetida Red California culture worms in 2001.
In 2003, it received the commercial title of Ekosol Tarım and became Turkey’s first Vermicompost producer.

Ekosol Tarım A.Ş. (Ekosol Farming Co.) is the first company to receive the Worm Fertilizer production registration and license from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey.

Worm Castings (aka vermicompost, worm fertilizer, vermicast) is a powerful organic fertilizer that is used as a soil conditioner and plant nutrient all over the world, especially in America, European countries, Israel and India, due to the weakness of organic matter in the soil resulting from the excessive and disproportionate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural areas.

Following Ekosol Tarım’s first production of worm castings in Turkey in 2003, it has carried out studies on the benefits of worm castings on agricultural production, especially at universities, agricultural institutions and the Ministry of Agriculture, and has made extraordinary efforts to promote this new generation fertilizer, which improves soil and increases productivity. .

Our Mission: Improvement of Agricultural Lands and Increase in Productivity

Ekosol Tarım, which has adopted the mission of rehabilitating soils that have lost their qualities due to excessive and disproportionate chemical fertilizers and pesticides applied to agricultural lands and enabling farmers to grow more productive and healthier products by reducing the fertilizer costs that increase every year, continues to produce conventional products with its increasing production capacity every year. It makes strong contributions to agriculture.

Ekosol Tarım, which continues its efforts to popularize the production of Vermicompost in Turkey and many other countries, organizes regular training seminars and conveys all its knowledge to investors who want to enter into vermicompost production, and has pioneered the production of Vermicompost and many organic fertilizers accordingly. It has made great contributions to the development of the organic fertilizer sector in Turkey and the nearby geography.

Ekosol Tarım, which moved to its production facilities in Manisa Saruhanli in 2014, produces EkosolFarm Worm Castings in solid form and EkosolFarm Liquid Worm Fertilizer in liquid form, using advanced technology, science and knowledge in a 7,500 square meter closed area on 21 acres.

It is Turkey’s first and largest production capacity company that produces organic fertilizers with many different contents.

Ekosol Tarım has come to these days by growing with an understanding that is based on people, respects the land, knows the value of our farmers and their importance for our country, knows the expectations of our farmers, and attaches importance to sustainable living and the future.

WE GET OUR ENERGY FROM THE SUN and our power from you


As Turkey’s first worm compost producer, we use green energy in the production of our environmentally friendly products.

We provide 72% of our factory’s annual electricity consumption from renewable energy sources.

With our respect for nature and the natural, we transitioned to green energy in our 20th year.
We Get Our Energy From The Sun, Our Power From You!

Renewable Green Energy

We cover up to 72% of our annual energy consumption with renewable energy.

50,000 Trees per Year

We prevented carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions equivalent to 50,000 trees per year.

We Reduced Carbon Emission

We reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 2,000 tons annually.

Our Goal is Zero Fossil Sourced Energy

We reduce our environmental footprint to protect natural assets

Worm Casting Production in a 7,500 m2 Closed Area

EkosolFarm Solucan Gübresi Üretim Alanlari 4

In our Europe’s largest worm compost production facility, we produce 100% Vermicompost with billions of worms in a 7,500 m2 closed area, within the framework of our sustainability principles.

Our continuous flow systems in our production areas are designed in accordance with American FDA standards.

All energy resources used within the production areas of our facility comply with the carbon neutral target in accordance with the framework of the EU Green Deal agreement.

Ekosol Tarım is a trust-oriented, innovative company that quickly keeps up with the requirements of the age, knowing the synergy and dynamism created by integrity.
It is time to be sensitive and together for our lands, our products, our health, our world and our future.
We are honored and proud to be serving you, to produce such a quality fertilizer, and to be known, known and preferred all over the world.

Ekosol Agriculture Family

EkosolFarm Fabrika





Click for the photographic story of Ekosol Tarım with the notes of Ekosol Tarım’s founder and General Manager Burçin Karababa.

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